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Medicated Eye Drops

Treatment for glaucoma often begins with medicated eye drops. The goal of these medications is to lower the pressure in the eye (intraocular pressure) and prevent damage to the optic nerve.

To gain the most benefits of these medications, use them exactly as prescribed by your eye doctor. Sometimes your doctor may prescribe more than one type of eye drop. In this case, check with your doctor about how long to wait between using each kind.

Side Effects of Medicated Eye Drops

Although eye drops for glaucoma can help save your vision, all of these medications have some side effects. In addition, some of the medication may be absorbed into the bloodstream, which can cause side effects that affect body parts other than your eyes.

The most common side effects of medicated eye drops include:

If you experience any of these side effects, tell your eye doctor. Do not stop taking your medicated eye drops unless you have spoken with your doctor. Using these eye drops as directed is the best way to help save your vision.

Types of Medicated Eye Drops

Your doctor may prescribe one or more type of eye drop. Some of the most common ones include:

If you have a family history of glaucoma or are noticing problems with your vision, contact your ophthalmologist immediately for an appointment. He or she can help diagnose your vision problem and suggest appropriate treatment options.

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