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All About Strabismus Sep 27th, 2019

Strabismus is the medical term for the misalignment of the eyes. Commonly referred to as cross-eyed or wall-eyed, strabismus may involve either one or both eyes turning inward, outward or even up or down. It is one of the most common vision conditions in young children, affecting somewhere between 2...

Frame Your Face: Which Frames Look Best? Sep 27th, 2019

Finding frames that fit your face, your style and your budget isn't always so easy. It's tempting to just pick the first pair of frames that are barely acceptable than face the daunting task of sorting through hundreds of frames to find the perfect option. Luckily, there are a few...

Itchy Eyes and Contact Lenses: What to Do When the Itch Won't Stop Sep 27th, 2019

Do your contact lenses spend more time in their case than in your eyes? Itching and redness, common complaints among contact lens wearers, can make it difficult to wear the lenses for more than an hour or two. The uncomfortable symptoms often occur as a result of allergies, but may...

Is Office Lighting Affecting Your Vision? Sep 27th, 2019

Do your eyes hurt, burn or itch after a day at work? Poor lighting may be to blame for your symptoms. Many companies use inexpensive fluorescent lighting to light large areas because it's a fairly inexpensive option. Unfortunately, your eyes pay the price. What Kinds of Eye Problems Can Fluorescent...

Blue Light Exposure: What Is It? Sep 27th, 2019

Blue light is produced naturally by the sun and generated by computer monitors, smartphone screens and other digital devices. Although the light has some beneficial effects, exposure can increase your eyestrain risk and even affect your central vision. What Is Blue Light? The rays of the sun may appear to...

5 Things You Can Do to Protect Your Eye Health Sep 27th, 2019

Protecting your eyesight is an important part of maintaining your quality of life. Here are five simple things you can do to help preserve your vision. 1. Stop Smoking It is no secret that smoking is strongly linked to many health problems; however, did you know that it can also damage...

Allergy Management and Your Eyes Sep 27th, 2019

For those who suffer from allergies, exposure to pets, pollen, or dust mites can quickly lead to red, itchy, watery eyes. Although seasonal allergies are notorious for causing eye symptoms, year-round exposure to allergens can be just as problematic. If you develop itchy, red, irritated, puffy, or watery eyes, make...

Getting Kids to Wear Glasses Sep 27th, 2019

In most of North America, optometrists are known as Doctors of Optometry (D.O.). As physicians, they are able to diagnose eye disease and prescribe medications or corrective lenses. Licensure as a DO requires a Bachelor's Degree and successful completion of a four-year school of optometrics. Educational specialists, Allen and Virginia...

How Vision Problems Affect Learning Sep 27th, 2019

Reading is an instrumental part of your child’s ability to learn. In order to write complete sentences or do mathematical problems, a child must first be able to understand what is on the page in front of them. If your child is suffering from vision problems, it may be drastically...

Teaching Kids About Pink Eye Sep 27th, 2019

Conjunctivitis is by no means limited only to children. An infection or inflammation of the conjunctiva -- the membrane within the eyelid and protecting the white aspect of our eyes -- can occur in individuals of any age secondary to an infection, an allergic reaction or chemical irritation. Infectious conjunctivitis...

Eyeball Licking: A Dangerous New Trend? Sep 27th, 2019

In the summer of 2013, news spread quickly about a dangerous new trend, called "worming" or oculolinctus, and a serious outbreak of disease among Japanese youth. Upon further investigation, many news sources retracted or amended previously published stories, saying the stories of a sudden increase in illness were only a...

Vision Charities to Help You Give Back This Holiday Season Sep 27th, 2019

Imagine trying to succeed at work at school if you could not see clearly. Unfortunately, that's the reality for far too many people in the world. Whether they cannot afford eye care, are blind or have a vision disability, poor eyesight makes life much more difficult. You can make a...

What the Eyes Tell Us About Overall Health Sep 27th, 2019

Eyes are your window to the world. Everything you experience is enhanced by what you see. By the same token, eyes can be a window into your body. When it comes to your overall health, your eyes act like an open book shedding light on your condition. A thorough eye...

How Can You Prevent an Eye Infection? Sep 27th, 2019

Do your eyes feel swollen, itchy or watery? If so, you might want to book an appointment with your eye doctor to have your eyes examined. Although many people automatically attribute their discomfort to allergies, it’s important to leave the diagnosis to a trained professional that is knowledgeable about eye...

How Did I Get a Stye? Sep 27th, 2019

A stye, medically known as a hordeolum, appears in the eyelid area as a red pimple-like bump, and is usually tender or painful. Styes typically occur near the lash line (external hordeolum), but can also appear on the underside of the eyelid (internal hordeolum). In addition to the telltale lump,...

Nutrition and Your Eyes Sep 27th, 2019

As you’ve probably heard, carrots are good for your eyes. Technically, they can’t give you superhero-quality eyesight like you may have been told when you were young, but they do contain ingredients that are instrumental in protecting your vision and overall health. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene (which the body...

Stop Rubbing Your Eyes Sep 27th, 2019

It feels like a natural thing to rub your eyes when they are itchy, watery, or otherwise irritated. Keeping your hands away from your eyes, however, is a smart choice for promoting better eye health. Rubbing your eyes can lead to everything from eye injuries to damaged vision. Rubbing your...

Tips to Alleviate Dry Eyes Sep 27th, 2019

Studies show that dry eyes are one of the most common eye problems throughout the United States. Dry eyes are caused by a lack of quality tear production, and are most common in both men and women over the age of 50. Tear production can be limited by a variety...

Vision Therapy: Not Just For Children Sep 27th, 2019

Vision therapy is a doctor-supervised program that helps people of all ages improve their visual-motor skills. Therapy helps your eyes and brain work together better, even if you have perfect vision. For years, people believed that some types of eye conditions, such as lazy eye or crossed eyes, could not...

Why Is My Eyelid Twitching? Sep 27th, 2019

Almost every person experiences some form of eyelid twitching in his or her lifetime. Known medically as blepharospasm, eyelid twitching is characterized by the involuntary movement or spasm of the eyelid muscles. Spasms typically occur every few seconds over the course of several minutes. Twitching episodes might occur for several...

Considering Laser Vision Correction Sep 27th, 2019

Since the infancy of laser vision correction services in the 1980s, the field has made leaps and bounds in increasing the safety and efficacy of these procedures. Today, over 28 million LASIK surgery procedures have been performed worldwide, reports the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Furthermore, 9 out of 10 patients...

Optometry Versus Ophthalmology: What’s the Difference? Sep 26th, 2019

Ophthalmologists, optometrists and opticians all play an integral role in eye and vision care. While they often work in collaboration, they require varying levels of education and are qualified to help you and your eyes in different ways. If you aren’t sure who to talk to about your eyes, keep...

Preparing for Laser Eye Surgery Sep 26th, 2019

Choosing laser eye surgery is a big decision. Whatever your treatment goal, proper preparation before surgery will help you obtain optimal results, speed up recovery, and minimize potential risks. If you've done your homework, then this advanced procedure can lead to a quick and healthy recovery. Here's a guide to...

The Science Behind Perfect Eyesight Sep 26th, 2019

It's easy to take vision for granted when the eyes perform flawlessly. However, when eye problems crop up, it's hard not to wonder how the eyes work. In a properly functioning eye, a number of elements must cooperate perfectly to create good vision; just one malfunctioning factor in this instantaneous...

What to Expect During a Routine Eye Exam Sep 26th, 2019

Routine eye exams are straightforward, quick and painless. Most doctors recommend screening your vision on an annual basis to ensure your vision prescription is up to date (or to determine you need one) and to make sure your eyes are healthy. Regular eye exams are the first line of defense...

Frames for Your Lifestyle Sep 26th, 2019

After learning that you need prescription lenses, finding glasses that best suit your looks may be paramount in your mind. Although finding the right frame shape for your face is essential, understanding the types of frames that best fit your lifestyle is equally important. With the largest eyewear manufacturer producing...

Selecting the Right Glasses Sep 26th, 2019

When they’re great, the correct pair of glasses perfectly complements your face and seamlessly facilitates your experience of the visual world. When they are not the right prescription or hastily chosen, glasses can be uncomfortable, cause headaches, detract from your appearance, and become a nuisance that distracts from everyday life....

Sunglasses: More than Just Fashion Sep 26th, 2019

Sunglasses can make us look awkward or chic, but their real value lies in their ability to protect our eyes. Since damaged eyesight is difficult to correct, choosing the right sunglasses is key to maintaining good vision and eye health. Most optometry clinics have specially trained staff who can help...

What to Look for in Sunglasses Sep 26th, 2019

All sunglasses are designed to shield your eyes from bright sunlight. Many sunglasses go a step beyond and also promise protection from ultraviolet (UV) light rays and other types of natural radiation from the sun. Protecting your eyes from these damaging rays is essential for keeping your eyes healthy. Choosing...

What's in a Frame? Sep 26th, 2019

Finding a great looking eyeglass frame can be tough work. What looks good on you? Should you go with round lenses, or square? What should your frame be made out of? Choosing the material of your eyeglass frame is the first order of business, since that will narrow down your...

Will I Need Reading Glasses? Sep 26th, 2019

According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), beginning approximately around the age of 40, most adults begin to experience age-related vision changes collectively known as presbyopia. The most common symptom first experienced by sufferers is usually an increase in the difficulty of clearly seeing items at close distances, such as...

Are Specialty Contacts Dangerous? Sep 26th, 2019

Specialty contact lenses are a fun way to change your eyes to look like your favorite entertainer or to create a spectacular costume. Specialty contacts, sometimes called decorative, fashion or theater contact lenses, temporarily change the look of your eyes without correcting your vision. Eye care professionals can prescribe specialty...

Getting Used to Contacts Sep 26th, 2019

Contacts are a smart choice for individuals who are active and dislike the feeling of wearing glasses. However, the process of caring for contacts and getting used to them can take a week or two. Navigate the transition with ease by learning how to properly care for contacts and becoming...

What You Need to Know About Dry Eye Sep 26th, 2019

If you have never suffered from dry eye, you might not appreciate how important your tears are to your eye health. Without enough moisture, your eyes can become dry, itchy, red and uncomfortable. Dry eye occurs when you do not make enough tears or the tears you produce are not...

What Is Astigmatism? Sep 26th, 2019

Astigmatism is an extremely common eye condition that affects both children and adults. It occurs when there is an imperfection in some part of your cornea, the clear tissue that covers your iris. Light rays pass through the cornea as they travel to the retina, a thin layer of cells...

Glaucoma Care: What You Need to Know Sep 26th, 2019

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide, reports the Glaucoma Research Foundation. This common eye condition typically affects older adults, although infants and young adults are also at risk. Fortunately, however, cutting-edge research is improving diagnosis and treatment of this common eye disease. Talk to your optometrist about...

Diabetic Retinopathy: What Is It? Sep 26th, 2019

Diabetic retinopathy refers to several eye problems that are characterized by damage to the light-sensitive retina, caused by excessive blood sugar levels. Almost half of Americans with diabetes suffer from some level of diabetic retinopathy. When glucose levels in the blood are not properly controlled, it can result in the...

Binocular Vision: Disorders and Treatment Sep 26th, 2019

For many, the term binocular vision conjures images of super powers or the rare ability to spot objects far away, but having binocular vision simply means having two eyes with which to see. Binocular vision does lend creatures with two eyes advantages over those with only one, such as enhanced...

All About Glaucoma Sep 26th, 2019

Glaucoma is a serious disorder that can damage the optic nerves of your eyes if left untreated. The optic nerve carries images from your eyes to your brain. If the nerve is damaged, full or partial vision loss can occur. In some cases, people develop glaucoma because the pressure in...

All About Amblyopia Sep 26th, 2019

Amblyopia, also known as lazy eye, is a visual disorder caused by abnormal vision development, often occurring during infancy. Patients with amblyopia have reduced vision in one eye, because it is not working properly in conjunction with the brain. With early detection and proper treatment, loss of vision can be...

How to Clean Your Eyeglasses Sep 26th, 2019

Are your eyeglasses streaky and smudged no matter how often you clean them? Try these tips to help keep them clear and smudge-free. Make Rinsing the First Step If you're watching your favorite TV show, you may not want to make a trip to the bathroom or kitchen just because...

What Do Your Eyes Say About Your Health? Sep 26th, 2019

Have you ever wondered why your eye care provider spends so much time carefully examining your eyes? Although they are looking for diseases or conditions that can affect your vision during eye exams, he or she is also searching for signs that may indicate that you have a general health...

Premature Babies and Vision Problems Sep 26th, 2019

Being born too early can have a profound effect on your child's health. In addition to early concerns about lung development and intestinal issues, prematurity may also cause vision problems. Despite vision complications, many children who were born prematurely do have usable vision, thanks to early interventions. These six eye...

Curbing Macular Degeneration Sep 26th, 2019

Macular degeneration represents one of the most significant causes of vision loss in older adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 1.8 million people currently suffer from macular degeneration, with an additional 7.3 million people at risk of developing this condition. Understanding the causes of...

What Happens When You Don't Wear Sunglasses? Sep 26th, 2019

Sunglasses aren't just a fashion statement. Wearing sunglasses on a regular basis is a simple way to protect your vision and avoid common eye diseases and conditions. How the Sun Can Damage Your Eyes Too much sun is just as bad for your eyes as it is for your skin....

Proper Contact Lens Care Keeps Your Lenses Comfortable and Clean Sep 26th, 2019

Have you ever worn your contact lenses longer than recommended or rinsed them with water? Those and other shortcuts can compromise your vision and increase your risk of dangerous eye infections. Following your optometrist's care instructions will help you avoid common contact lens wear pitfalls. Safe Handling and Cleaning Techniques...

Does Outside Playtime Improve Children's Eyesight? Sep 26th, 2019

Do you see many children playing outside when you drive home from work? Although kids once spent long periods of time outdoors in previous generations, today's youth are less likely to enjoy spontaneous games of hide and seek or kickball. In fact, parents of eight to 12 year olds reported...

Makeup Tips for Sensitive Eyes Sep 26th, 2019

Do your eyes itch, burn and turn red when you wear makeup? Although cosmetics are supposed to enhance your appearance, you may feel anything but attractive as your eyes water and your makeup runs. Luckily, it's possible to look your best without enduring any pain or discomfort when you follow...

How to Make Your Child's First Visit to the Optometrist a Success Sep 26th, 2019

The first visit to the eye doctor can be a little overwhelming for young patients. No matter how welcoming the staff, small children may feel shy or find vision testing machines and gadgets a little intimidating. Luckily, parents can make visits much less daunting by following a few of these...

Reading and Writing Sep 26th, 2019

For many adults, reading and writing come so naturally that they seem almost effortless. However, reading and writing are actually complicated skills that take significant effort to learn. For example, reading involves recognizing letters, associating letter combinations with their corresponding sounds, blending sounds together, identifying words, and connecting words to...

Wandering Eye Sep 26th, 2019

A wandering eye is a type of eye condition known as strabismus or tropia, and it may be caused by damage to the retina or muscles that control the eye, stroke or brain injury, or an uncorrected refractive error like farsightedness. With a wandering eye, one eye deviates or wanders...

Protecting Your Eyes Sep 26th, 2019

Of our five senses, humans rely on vision most strongly. Our everyday experience of the world is colored by our ability to see, our memory draws heavily upon visual information, and many activities of daily living are challenging without sight. As a result, it is essential to protect your eyes...

Stress and Vision Sep 26th, 2019

Did you know that your eyes are an extension of your brain? There are six muscles connected to each eye, and they receive signals from the brain. These signals direct the eyes movements and, thus, control their ability to focus. When you are stressed, your brain goes through a number...

Pain Management Sep 26th, 2019

We take a lot of aspects of our vision for granted. We expect to see nearby and faraway objects clearly, even if we require our eye care provider to prescribe eyeglasses or contact lenses to do so. A huge degree of the information we take in about our world and...

Eye Movement Sep 26th, 2019

Eye movement refers to the voluntary and involuntary movements of the eyes that assist with obtaining, fixating and following visual stimuli. The eyes are each connected to a system of six muscles. Light is sensed by the retina, which is a type of tissue that contains cells known as photoreceptors....

Lazy Eye Sep 26th, 2019

Lazy eye, also referred to as amblyopia, is a condition that develops in infancy or early childhood, and it typically starts when the focus in one eye is more enhanced than the other. The eye with less focus might be impaired due to a significant amount of farsightedness or astigmatism,...

Nutrition for Eye Health Sep 26th, 2019

Eating right is essential for keeping your body healthy. This is as true for your eyes as it is for your heart. A diet that is rich in fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and is low in saturated fat, can reduce your risk of heart disease. This will also...

Eye Coordination Sep 26th, 2019

Each eye picks up a slightly different image, but through a process called fusion, the brain blends the images together to make one three-dimensional picture. Good eye coordination is needed, however, and allows the eyes to sustain proper alignment so that they can focus on practically the same image, though...

Lifestyle Practices for Eye Health Sep 26th, 2019

Protecting your eyesight is an important part of staying healthy overall. Maintaining sound eye health will also help you preserve your quality of life as you age. To keep your eyes as healthy as possible, follow these simple lifestyle practices. Get regular eye exams. Some eye problems — including age-related macular...

Autism Sep 26th, 2019

Symptoms and Problems Caused By Autism Autism is a neurological disorder in which the person has difficulty processing and reacting to information received from their senses. The individual also has trouble communicating and interacting socially. Signs of autism include: Lack of shared social interaction Postponement in development Untimely response to...

Crossed Eyes Sep 26th, 2019

Crossed eyes, also known as strabismus, refer to a condition in which both eyes do not look at the same place at the same time. Often times they both turn in, but may also turn out. What Causes Crossed Eyes? The six muscles attached to each eye, which control how...

Eye Focusing Sep 26th, 2019

The eyes have a focusing system called accommodation; it allows for visual clarity. The system is rested when you look at an object that is far away and is not forced to strain like it would if the target were close. In normal circumstances, the eyes are able to effortlessly...

Dyslexia Sep 26th, 2019

Dyslexia When a child has difficulty reading due to problems recognizing speech sounds and learning how they connect to words and letters, the condition is known as dyslexia, a learning disorder caused by genetic traits that disturb how the brain works. It affects areas of the brain dealing with language...

How the Eyes Work Sep 26th, 2019

Every morning, we open our eyes and become immersed in a wealth of visual information. The eyes and related brain structures are a complex system that allows us to experience visual information from the surrounding world. It is easy to take clear vision for granted, but even subtle changes in...

Technology and Vision Sep 26th, 2019

The primary sufferers of technology-related eyestrain used to be adults whose work involved computers. Now, however, people of all ages use computers, smartphones, tablets and gaming devices, which can take their toll on the eyes. As people’s reliance on technology grows, so does the incidence of eyestrain. Keep reading to...

Macular Degeneration Sep 26th, 2019

One of the most important reasons for regular examinations by your eye care provider is evaluated for the development of macular degeneration. According to the Bright Focus™ Foundation, this condition is the primary cause of loss of vision and blindness in older individuals ages 60 and above and is known...

Eye Anatomy 101 Sep 26th, 2019

The eye has many parts that work together to create vision. The eyes themselves are only part of “seeing.” The brain is also involved. The eyes, though, begin the complex process of vision by gathering, focusing and passing on visual information to the brain. To help you learn how the...

Pinguecula and Pterygium (Surfer's Eye) Sep 26th, 2019

Characterized by a yellowish raised part of the scleral conjunctiva (the lining of the white part of the eye), a pinguecula usually develops near the cornea (colored part of the eye), but does not extend past it. Similar to a callus on the skin, changes in tissues lead to the...

Glare and Halos Sep 26th, 2019

Glare and halos are both eye symptoms that some people experience around bright lights. Halos show up as bright circles around a light source. Glare is light that interferes with your vision, making it difficult to see or sometimes making your eyes water. These symptoms can show up at any...

Subconjunctival Hemorrhage Sep 26th, 2019

Similar to a bruise under the skin, a subconjunctival hemorrhage happens when a small blood vessel located between the sclera (white portion of an eye) and the conjunctiva (lining on the surface of an eye) breaks and covers the sclera with blood. Unlike broken blood vessels located under the skin...

Cataracts Sep 26th, 2019

Many body parts begin to change as you age, and your eyes are no exception. One of the most common age-related eye changes is the development of cataracts. Although cataracts do not occur exclusively in older adults, they affect approximately half of all Americans by age 80. What Are Cataracts?...

ADD/ADHD Sep 26th, 2019

Approximately 11% of school-aged children have been diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to recent studies. The central symptoms of ADHD -- difficulty sustaining attention, poor control of behavior, hyperactivity -- make it difficult for children to succeed in school. Additionally, parents of kids with ADHD may become frustrated...

Strabismus Sep 26th, 2019

Commonly called crossed eyes, strabismus is a condition in which eyes do not work together, failing to maintain proper alignment. While one eye focuses on an object, the other does not. The failure of the eyes to work together causes double vision, and if untreated can lead to an extreme...

Computer Vision Syndrome Sep 26th, 2019

Almost everyone uses computers in the modern world, whether for recreation, employment, education or any combination of the three. Unfortunately, our increased use of computers in almost every aspect of our lives -- even using a smartphone to make a telephone call -- requires our eyes to read a computer...

Uveitis Sep 26th, 2019

Uveitis refers to the inflammation of the eye's middle layer, which consists of the iris, ciliary body, and choroid. Several fungal, viral, or bacterial infections lead to uveitis, as do certain autoimmune (systemic) and inflammatory conditions. In most cases of uveitis, however, the exact cause is unknown. Types of Uveitis...

Binocular Vision Sep 26th, 2019

The human visual system is a complex network including the eye, ocular nerves, and key brain areas that process visual information. Under most circumstances, we use information from both eyes to create a single visual image. This ability to converge information from both eyes is called binocular vision. In some...

Glaucoma Sep 26th, 2019

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the United States, making it an important public health priority. Although there are several factors that cause glaucoma, all types of glaucoma are characterized by damage to the optic nerve. This damage prevents the brain from receiving appropriate visual information, resulting...

Sjogren's Syndrome Sep 26th, 2019

Pronounced SHOW-grins, Sjogren's syndrome is a disorder of the immune system, or an autoimmune disease, which causes the body's immune system to attack and harm the body's glands. Your glands are responsible for the production of saliva, tears, and other lubrication necessary for the proper function of the body. Sjogren's...

Optic Neuritis Sep 26th, 2019

Also known as demyelinating optic neuritis, optic neuritis refers to the inflammation of the optic nerve due to the loss of or damage to a protective covering called myelin, which surrounds the optic nerve. The myelin is essential to the function of the optic nerve. A more general term, optic...

Eye Perception Sep 26th, 2019

Visual perception refers to a set of skills used to collect and interpret visual information taken in from our environment. The visual information gathered is combined with our other senses, allowing us to derive meaning from what we see. Through the process of merging visual data with our other senses,...

Eye Occlusions Sep 26th, 2019

An eye occlusion is a blockage in one of the arteries or veins supplying blood to the retina and/or optic nerve. These blockages can cause severe and sudden vision loss. Contact your eye care professional immediately if you experience sudden vision loss, and follow up right away with your family...

Chalazion Sep 26th, 2019

A chalazion is the medical term for a slowly developing lump on the eyelid that occurs due to an oil gland blockage. At first, the eyelid may appear to be red, tender and swollen. After several days, the chalazion will form on the eyelid, appearing as a slow growing lump....

Bell's Palsy Sep 26th, 2019

If you suffer from Bell's palsy, a paralysis of one side of the face caused by nerve inflammation, you may lose control over your eyelids. This eyelid paralysis can create problems for the sensitive cornea that protects the eye's lens and helps focus light waves into clear images. Fortunately, an...

Blepharitis Sep 26th, 2019

Stinging, irritated eyes, and blurred vision may indicate nothing more than a case of blepharitis -- an unpleasant but, in most cases, relatively harmless condition. Blepharitis is a chronic eyelid inflammation caused by a variety of irritants and/or the inability to maintain proper eye lubrication. In some cases, bacterial infection...

Detached Retina Sep 26th, 2019

Seeing a spot or a flash of light in your field of vision is more than an inconvenience. It could be the first signs of a detached retina. A retina becomes detached when separated from underlying layers of support tissue. Detached retinas will lead to a permanent loss of vision...

Ocular Rosacea Sep 26th, 2019

Ocular rosacea, an inflammation of the eye and/or eyelid, occurs in conjunction with rosacea of the skin. A chronic inflammatory condition, rosacea primarily affects the face, cheeks, forehead, and chest area. When rosacea affects the eyes and/or eyelids, the condition is known as ocular rosacea. Ocular Rosacea Symptoms Ocular rosacea...

Corneal Ulcer Sep 26th, 2019

The cornea is present as a clear tissue that is located at the front of the eye. A corneal ulcer occurs when there is a sore in the layer of the cornea. Symptoms of this include redness, drainage, visual disturbances, sensitivity to light, itching and discomfort. Causes and Effects of...

Conjunctivitis Sep 26th, 2019

Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is a common eye problem that can afflict children and adults alike. It is highly contagious and spreads quickly in environments like classrooms or offices filled with multiple people in close proximity to one another. The good news is that conjunctivitis is easily treated...

Acanthamoeba Keratitis Sep 26th, 2019

Acanthamoeba keratitis is a relatively rare type of eye infection, but it can become quite serious. If left untreated, Acanthamoeba eventually leads to vision loss, requiring a corneal transplant to restore sight. Understanding how to prevent this infection is key. What Is Acanthamoeba Keratitis? Acanthamoeba is a type of microscopic,...

Low Vision Sep 26th, 2019

Most people classified as blind still retain some ability to see. They often have significantly impaired vision but can discern light, shapes, or other figures. Low vision refers to a class of visual impairment that cannot be corrected by glasses or contact lenses. A number of conditions may cause low...

Colored Contacts Sep 26th, 2019

Colored contact lenses allow you to temporarily change your eye color whether or not you need to correct impaired vision. In this way, you can create a more subtle eye appearance, wear a crazy design for special occasions, or just enjoy a new eye color. Will Colored Contacts Change the...

Contact Lens FAQ Sep 26th, 2019

Can I wear contact lenses? Most people are able to wear contact lenses safely and comfortably. There are contact lenses that correct for nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and other vision problems. An optometry exam can determine what lenses are appropriate for you. Are contact lenses safe for my eyes? Millions of...

Color Blindness Sep 26th, 2019

Color blindness, also known as color vision deficiency, occurs when an individual cannot distinguish between certain colors like red and green or, less commonly, blue and yellow. Cause of Color Blindness Light-sensitive tissue, the retina, lines the back of the eye and consists of two types of light distinguishing cells:...

Retinitis Pigmentosa Sep 26th, 2019

The term retinitis pigmentosa (RP) refers to a set of degenerative genetic diseases that gradually kill off the light-sensing cells (rods and cones) of the retina, eventually causing blindness. It is a relatively rare genetic disorder, affecting only 1 in 4,000 people. Retinitis pigmentosa can be difficult to adapt to...

Stargardt Disease Sep 26th, 2019

Loss of eyesight and macular degeneration are typically associated with aging. Stargardt disease, however, an inherited form of macular degeneration, commonly affects children and young adults. Also referred to as Stargardt macular dystrophy (SMD) or flavimaculatus, the term Stargardt disease refers in particular to the form of inherited macular degeneration...

Macular Dystrophy Sep 26th, 2019

You may have heard of macular degeneration, an age-related condition in which people suffer permanent vision loss due to damage in a part of the retina called macula. But you may not be so familiar with a similar macular condition that also causes vision loss -- even in young people....

Bifocal Contacts Sep 26th, 2019

Bifocal contact lenses are a type of contact lens that combine two different prescriptions in the same lens. One component corrects nearsightedness and the other prescription addresses farsightedness or farsightedness. Several types of bifocal contacts are available; your eye care provider can help you determine which option is best for...

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Retinitis Sep 26th, 2019

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis is a serious disease causing compromised vision and ultimately a total loss of vision. CMV retinitis is typically associated with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). In the early days of the AIDS epidemic, nearly one-quarter of all individuals diagnosed with late-stage AIDS also developed CMV retinitis. Thanks to...

Swollen Eyelids Sep 26th, 2019

Swollen eyelids are a fairly common eye condition caused by inflammation or excess fluid in the connective tissues surrounding the eye. Depending on the cause, swollen eyelids can be painful or not painful and affect the upper eyelid, the lower eyelid, or both. Swollen eyes can be caused by many...

Sleep in the Eyes (Eye Discharge) Sep 26th, 2019

Sometimes referred to as "sleep" or eye matter, eye discharge that appears in normal consistency upon waking is a typical part of your body's defense mechanisms, protecting your eyes from bacteria or other irritants. Eye discharge that appears in abnormal consistency, color, or quantities might be a sign of a...

Ptosis Sep 26th, 2019

Ptosis (TOE-sis) refers to an upper eyelid that droops and can occur in children or adults. The droop may be hardly visible, or it could cover the entire pupil. Depending on the severity of the droop, it could interfere with vision. People with ptosis may try to lift the eyelids...

Red Eye Sep 26th, 2019

The redness associated with “red eye” is usually caused by dilated or swollen blood vessels. As a result, the surface of the eye looks bloodshot. In contrast to vision problems or pain in the eye, red eye is often less of a concern. However, there are times when red eye may be a...

Flashers and Floaters Sep 26th, 2019

Many people experience small, dark, cobwebby shapes drifting across their field of vision. These floaters are especially common as people age. Flashes, a similar phenomenon, are quick flickers of light. Both are usually harmless, but, occasionally, can be a sign of serious eye troubles. Causes Vitreous humor is a clear...

Photophobia Sep 26th, 2019

Do you find yourself squinting or closing your eyes in bright light? It could be photophobia or acute light sensitivity. Eyes are designed to respond to light, but certain conditions can create light sensitivity. Exposure to sunlight, fluorescent light, incandescent light and other bright light sources can irritate a person...

Eye Twitching Sep 26th, 2019

Few eye issues are as simultaneously subtle and annoying as a twitch that comes on suddenly and/or recurs frequently. A twitching eyelid may not appear visible to the people around you at all, but it can make you feel highly self-conscious and drive you to search for the cause and...

Reading Glasses Sep 26th, 2019

During the normal aging process, components of your eyes change in shape and flexibility. This frequently corresponds to vision changes that may make it difficult to see close objects. Although not all adults experience these changes, many find that they need reading glasses as they get older. Visiting your eye...

Eye Pain Sep 26th, 2019

Eye pain is not normal and should always be checked by your eye care professional. It is especially urgent if the pain comes with any of the following symptoms: The pain is intense and sudden. Your eye is injured or is being irritated by a foreign object. The pain comes...

Dry Eye Sep 26th, 2019

Sometimes your eyes don’t make enough tears or the tears evaporate too fast because they don’t have the right amount of compounds in them. This is called dry eye. Up to 5% of Americans complain of some form of dry eye. Individuals who wear contact lenses or have undergone LASIK...

Lens Coatings Sep 26th, 2019

When you’re picking out a new pair of glasses, choosing the frames that best fit your face is just the beginning. After selecting your frames, you’ll need to choose the type of lens, lens material, and lens coating. With advances in eyeglass technology, there are several lens coating options to...

How to Read Prescriptions Sep 26th, 2019

Vision that is 20/20 describes a normal level of clarity and sharpness in your vision. This is called visual acuity. This measurement offers a way to compare the quality of your vision to a professional standard. Using this tool helps your eye care provider to accurately gauge whether you need...

Bifocals & Multifocals Sep 26th, 2019

If you find yourself struggling to see both at far distances and nearby reading materials, then it may be time to consider bifocals. Your eye care provider and the trained optometry staff will work with you to determine the best way to meet your needs while helping you to look...

Ocular Motor Dysfunction Sep 26th, 2019

Parents are often aware of the need to screen children for nearsightedness or farsightedness, but fewer know about other pediatric vision problems. Ocular motor dysfunction is a condition that often manifests in childhood, although adults may also have this disorder. Because ocular motor dysfunction causes serious disruption of everyday abilities...

Convergence Insufficiency Sep 26th, 2019

Convergence insufficiency is a relatively common eye condition that is typically diagnosed in childhood. A study of two large optometry clinics found that 17.6% of children who received vision exams had convergence insufficiency. As this disorder may cause difficulty focusing on written pages, some children with convergence insufficiency are actually...

Accommodative Dysfunction Sep 26th, 2019

Simply put, accommodative dysfunction means that the eyes have difficulty focusing properly. Studies suggest that between 2 and 17% of children may suffer from accommodative dysfunction. The nature of this disorder means that it sometimes goes unnoticed in standard vision screenings conducted at school. Thus, it is important that parents...

Myopia (Nearsightedness) Sep 26th, 2019

Myopia, commonly called nearsightedness, is a refractive error of the eye, meaning that the shape of the eye or its cornea improperly bends light as it enters the eye. This hinders your ability to focus. Myopia is the most common refractive error of the eyes, and is caused by several...

Ocular Migraine Sep 26th, 2019

The name conjures up pain, but ocular migraines are less about headaches and more about a vision problem. Ocular migraines are temporary visual disturbances that can last up to 30 minutes. This condition can affect one eye or both eyes simultaneously. An ocular migraine does not typically cause pain unless...

Hyperopia (Farsightedness) Sep 26th, 2019

An eye condition affecting roughly 50 percent of individuals who need glasses, hyperopia (commonly called farsightedness) is characterized by difficulty focusing on nearby objects while being able to see objects at a distance properly. Hyperopia occurs when your eyeball is too short or when your cornea is flatter or less...

Double Vision Sep 26th, 2019

Double vision, also known as “seeing double” or the medical term diplopia, is the perception of two images of a single object. This occurs when two nonmatching images are sent to the part of the brain that processes visual input. Over time, the brain eventually begins to compensate for this...

Blurry Vision Sep 26th, 2019

There are many potential causes for blurry eyes. The answer to why you have blurry vision is best answered by your eye care professional, who can offer diagnosis and prompt treatment so that your vision does not get worse. Some conditions that cause blurry vision are easy to treat, but...

Amblyopia Sep 26th, 2019

Amblyopia, commonly called lazy eye, refers to the improper development or significant loss of vision in an eye. It occurs when the brain does not acknowledge the images seen by the amblyopic eye. Amblyopia Causes Amblyopia occurs when an individual cannot use binocular vision (both eyes working together) due to...

Syntonics Sep 26th, 2019

Known also as optometric phototherapy, syntonics deal with the application of selected visible-light frequencies and are used to treat lazy eye and problems with peripheral vision and depth perception. By applying particular visible-light frequencies through the eyes, syntonics can improve vision. This is because when light enters the eye, retinal...

Marsden Balls Sep 26th, 2019

Here, a ball with letters, numbers, colors, pictures, or a combination is hung from the ceiling. In activities used to help focus visual attention, the individual may be asked to concentrate on a figure while bunting the ball with a rod, or hitting or catching it with their thumbs, palms...

Directional Sequencers Sep 26th, 2019

This device integrates all of the senses used for learning. It is one of the basic instruments used for visual-motor training, and helps with direction, rhythm, eye-hand coordination, and work and shape recognition. It consists of an aluminum case with illuminated membrane switches organized along a grid. When the user...

Saccadic Fixators Sep 26th, 2019

This entails a wall-mounted square board with a starburst design. Along the various striations of the starburst are lighted buttons. As the buttons light up, the patient works quickly to see how many of these lit buttons they can push before they go out. The key is to keep the...

Rotation Trainers Sep 26th, 2019

Rotation trainers consist of a disk – with various designs – that is attached to a rod-like base. As the disk rotates, the patient is asked to perform tasks that are designed to test and enhance eye-hand coordination, space awareness, perceptual awareness and visual acuity.

Filters Sep 26th, 2019

Optical filters carefully transfer light in a specific range of wavelengths or colors while obstructing what remains. These dyed plastic or glass devices are placed in the optical path. They are described by their frequency response, and this identifies how the scale and stage of each frequency component of an...

Prisms Sep 26th, 2019

A prism has the same cross-section across the entire length of its shape. When used in eyeglasses, they often correct abnormalities associated with nearsightedness, farsightedness and double vision. Eyeglasses, or corrective lenses, reduce or increase the size of the image based on the eyes’ ability to see and focus, while...

Therapeutic Lenses Sep 26th, 2019

Contact lenses, or therapeutic lenses, are thin lenses that are placed on the surface of the eye. While some wear them for cosmetic reasons, their primary function is to correct and improve vision problems related to refractive errors, act as a protective layer in patients with eye injuries, reduce discomfort...

Computer Software Sep 26th, 2019

Computer aided vision therapy consists of a software package designed to enhance eye tracking skills, visual thinking, processing skills and binocular vision skills. Eye teaming, focusing and tracking are not optical in nature, and problems in these areas are the result of poor eye muscles. Specialized software not only trains...

Electronic Targets Sep 26th, 2019

Automated targets with timing mechanisms not only show the optometrist how the eyes move in the beginning of treatment – when eye problems have yet to be fully addressed – by strategically positioning the targets, but they give weak eyes a necessary workout. By moving the eyes around to focus...

Cawthorne-Cooksey Exercises Sep 26th, 2019

These exercises are mainly used at home and range from simple head and eye movements to performing more complex activities like throwing a ball or focusing on a stationary object while the head is moving. While moving one’s head and tossing a ball sounds easy enough, they are not simple...

Training Devices Sep 26th, 2019

Visual-motor-sensory integration training uses various devices to appeal to a person’s senses, including touch, sound and smell. This type of therapy is particularly useful in children with autism. Devices may include play dough, rubber toys, weighted bells and blankets, water, rice, sand, beans, musical instruments, computer games, talking toys and...

Keep Your Eye on the Ball: How Vision Therapists Use Marsden Balls to Help Their Patients Sep 26th, 2019

A Marsden ball might not look very impressive, but this little ball offers big benefits for athletes and children affected by strabismus, ambylopia and other conditions. Marsden ball exercises are just one of the techniques that vision therapists use to help patients make better use of their vision.   What...

Balance Board Sep 26th, 2019

The brain and the eyes work together to create a visual experience. On one hand, the eyes send signals to the brain, which allows it to translate that data into visuals; on the other, the brain sends signals to the muscles attached to each eye, controlling their movements. If anything...

Corrective Lenses Sep 26th, 2019

Corrective lenses are used to correct deviations, adjust focal points or neutralize other anomalies that impact the eyes’ ability to focus an image on the retina. To do this, the lenses must be the correct type and of the right power. Strength – which is expressed as diopeters – relies...

Traumatic Injury Sep 26th, 2019

Accurate vision involves much more than good eye health. The brain integrates signals from the eyes with information from the motor, balance, and auditory systems to create an accurate view of the world. Following traumatic injury, one or more components of this complex system may be damaged. Receiving a thorough...

Post-Concussive Vision Syndrome Sep 26th, 2019

More than 300,000 sports-related concussions occur each year, according to research. Many more concussions result from motor vehicle accidents, falls, and other non-sports related incidents. In addition to causing cognitive difficulties, concussions may result in a cluster of problems called post-concussive vision syndrome. If you have recently experienced a concussion,...

Special Needs Sep 26th, 2019

The cognitive differences of special needs children and adults are well-documented, but vision issues often receive less attention. People with special needs have the same range of vision issues as their neurotypical counterparts; however, these vision problems occur at a much higher rate in special needs populations. Involving optometrists in...

Strabismus Causes and Treatment Sep 26th, 2019

In order for your eyes to focus normally, six muscles around each eye must work together. When your two eyes see different images, your brain tends to favor the stronger eye. This means the weak eye gets weaker, resulting in amblyopia, or “lazy eye.” Risk factors for developing strabismus may...

Iridocorneal Endothelial Syndrome Sep 26th, 2019

This syndrome most commonly affects women between 30 and 50 years old. Symptoms include changes to the iris, corneal swelling and the onset of glaucoma.

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Sep 26th, 2019

This skin disorder, also called erythema multiforme major, sometimes causes painful lesions on the eyelids. Stevens-Johnson syndrome can cause painful corneal blisters and even holes, leading to vision loss.

Pterygium Sep 26th, 2019

Pterygium is characterized by a pink tissue growth on the sclera (the white part of the eye), which seems to be the result of chronic exposure to ultraviolet light. In fact, because many surfers suffer from pterygium, the condition is often called surfer’s eye. Pterygium is not cancerous and may...

Keratoconus Sep 26th, 2019

While keratoconus can happen at any stage of life, young people between the ages of 10 and 25 are most likely to develop this disorder. For individuals with keratoconus, their cornea, the clear layer in the front of your eye, gradually thins and begins to bulge outward. Keratoconus typically causes...

Corneal Dystrophies Sep 26th, 2019

This group of corneal disorders includes more than 20 variations. Each affects different parts of the cornea, causing it to get cloudy and compromising vision. Most of these dystrophies are inherited, affect both eyes equally and spread between layers of the cornea as they gradually progress.

Viruses Sep 26th, 2019

Herpes Zoster (Shingles) If you ever had chickenpox, you’re at higher risk of developing shingles later in life. Shingles can affect many parts of the body. If it travels to your eyes, your cornea can become inflamed and even scarred. Corneal damage might not be apparent until months after the...

What is Glaucoma Sep 26th, 2019

Glaucoma is a condition characterized by excessive pressure in the eye, or intraocular pressure. This irregularly high pressure is due to a buildup of fluid in the eye. As intraocular pressure increases, it can compress the eye’s optic nerve, eventually leading to vision loss. Around 3 million people in the...

Medicated Eye Drops Sep 26th, 2019

Treatment for glaucoma often begins with medicated eye drops. The goal of these medications is to lower the pressure in the eye (intraocular pressure) and prevent damage to the optic nerve. To gain the most benefits of these medications, use them exactly as prescribed by your eye doctor. Sometimes your...

Stye Sep 26th, 2019

A stye, sometimes spelled as "sty," is a red, painful bump near the edge of the eyelid. It may look like a pimple or abscess, and it can form on the inside or outside of the eyelid. A stye is actually a localized infection that usually disappears by itself after...

Tearing Sep 26th, 2019

Suffering from watery eyes, also known as tearing, or epiphora, is a condition that happens when the eyes make too many tears or produce them constantly. There are many causes of excessive tearing, but only a few are signs of more serious conditions. Causes of Excessive Tearing One of two...

High Order Aberrations Sep 26th, 2019

In an ideal world, everyone would have perfectly-shaped eyes. The reality, however, is that practically every eye has some form of aberration somewhere in it. These aberrations may or may not cause vision problems, but don't be too surprised if your eye doctor informs you that you are having difficulties...

Intraocular Lenses Sep 26th, 2019

If your vision is blurred due to cataracts and you are pursuing surgical intervention to correct the problem, you are likely considering which intraocular lens (IOL) to choose, to restore your vision after cataract surgery. There are a variety of IOL options to choose from. Your ophthalmologist can help you...

iStent Sep 25th, 2019

The iStent Trabecular Micro-Bypass is a surgical device that is available for use in treating patients with mild-to-moderate open-angle glaucoma. Glaucoma is characterized by an excessive accumulation of fluid inside the eye, which leads to an increase in the inner eye pressure (intraocular pressure). This can damage the optic nerve...

Hyperopia Sep 25th, 2019

People with hyperopia, also known as farsightedness, can usually see objects in the distance, but their close vision is blurry. Symptoms of untreated hyperopia include: Difficulty concentrating on near work, such as reading Eye strain Headaches after reading or other activities involving close focus Aching, burning eyes Irritability from concentrating...

Astigmatism Sep 25th, 2019

A normal cornea — the clear front covering of your eye — has a round curve, like a basketball. However, many people have an irregularly shaped cornea while others have an irregularly curved lens. Both cases can cause light that enters the eye to bend the wrong way, causing blurry...

Types of Refractive Surgery Sep 25th, 2019

There are several types of refractive surgery available to correct vision problems caused by refractive errors, including: LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) Custom or bladeless LASIK Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) Laser epithelial keratomileusis (LASEK) Epi-LASIK Conductive Keratoplasty (CK) Phakic Intraocular Lenses (IOLs) Refractive Lens Exchange (Clear Lens Extraction) Most of these...

Myopia Sep 25th, 2019

Myopia, or nearsightedness, means that your eyes can see close objects clearly but struggle to see things in the distance. Nearly 30 percent of Americans are nearsighted. This condition usually develops in children and teenagers, up to about the age of 20. A teacher or parent might notice a child...

Signs and Symptoms Checklist Sep 25th, 2019

Vision therapy, which is also known as vision training or visual training, is an individualized treatment program that can help identify and correct perceptual-cognitive deficiencies that are impacting visual learning, focus, and concentration. Vision Therapy for Children: Checklist While individuals of all ages can benefit from vision therapy, it may...

How It Helps Sep 25th, 2019

The goal of vision therapy is to treat vision problems that cannot be fully addressed through eyeglasses, contact lenses or surgery. For example, studies show that vision therapy may be beneficial for addressing eyestrain and other issues that can affect a child’s reading abilities. The human brain has significant neuroplasticity,...

How It Works Sep 25th, 2019

Vision therapy, also referred to as vision training, neuro-vision therapy, or vision rehabilitation, is an optometry subspecialty. Vision therapy is prescribed to develop, improve and/or enhance visual function so an individual’s vision system functions more smoothly. Vision therapy can be beneficial for individuals of all ages. The goal of treatment...

Nystagmus Sep 25th, 2019

Nystagmus is a vision condition characterized by repetitive, uncontrolled eye movements. These involuntary eye movements may be side-to-side, up and down, or in a circular pattern, which hinders the eyes’ ability to focus on a steady object. Individuals with nystagmus may hold their heads in unusual positions or nod their...

Macular Hole Sep 25th, 2019

The condition known as a macular hole refers to a tiny break in the macula that results in blurry or distorted vision. To fully understand the condition, one must understand eye anatomy. The macula is a spot located in the center of the retina (the back portion of the eye)....

How to Transition Into Different Lighted Situations Sep 25th, 2019

Do Your Eyes Have Trouble Adjusting to the Dark or Light? These Tips Will Help Stepping into the bright sunshine or entering a dimly lit room can temporarily affect your vision, whether you have 20/20 vision or wear corrective lenses. Fortunately, following a few simple guidelines can help you avoid...

Patches Sep 25th, 2019

Eye patches are used to strengthen muscle control in weak eyes. By placing a patch over the strong eye, the weaker eye is forced to do the heavy lifting. While it may be uncomfortable for the patient at first, the muscle controlling the weaker eye will become tougher and more...

Presbyopia Sep 25th, 2019

Somewhere around the age of 40, most people’s eyes lose the ability to focus on close-up objects. This condition is called presbyopia. You may start holding reading material farther away, because it is blurry up close. Reading suddenly gives you eyestrain. You might wonder when manufacturers started putting such small...

Diabetic Eye Diseases Sep 25th, 2019

Diabetes is a condition that involves high blood sugar (glucose) levels. This can affect many parts of the body, including the eyes. One of the most common diabetic eye diseases is diabetic retinopathy, which is also a leading cause of blindness in American adults. Diabetic Retinopathy Diabetic retinopathy includes several...

Age-Related Macular Degeneration Sep 25th, 2019

One of the leading causes of vision loss in people who are age 50 or older is age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This common eye condition leads to damage of a small spot near the center of the retina called the macula. The macula provides us with the ability to clearly...

Fuchs' Corneal Dystrophy Sep 25th, 2019

Fuchs' dystrophy (pronounced fooks DIS-truh-fee) is an eye disease characterized by degenerative changes to the cornea’s innermost layer of cells. The cause for Fuchs' dystrophy is not fully understood. If your mother or father has the disease, then there is roughly a 50 percent chance that you will develop it...

How To Protect Your Eyes While Wearing Halloween-Themed Contact Lenses Sep 25th, 2019

Are Halloween-Themed Contact Lenses Safe? Colorful contact lenses definitely add a little extra flair to your costume if you're planning to be a zombie, vampire or other fictional creature for Halloween. Unfortunately, wearing over-the-counter lenses for just one evening could harm your eyes. Novelty Contact Lenses May Increase Your Risk...

Learning-Related Vision Problems Sep 25th, 2019

Learning disabilities may include dyslexia, math disorder, writing disorder, auditory processing deficits, or visual processing deficits. Although each child with a learning disability is unique, many also have associated visual problems. Addressing these vision disorders may alleviate some symptoms of learning disability. How Are Learning Disabilities Diagnosed? Most often, a...

Frequently Asked Questions Sep 25th, 2019

Why do I need to see an eye care provider? Many “silent” diseases, such as glaucoma and diabetes, can only be detected through regular eye exams. When these conditions are discovered earlier rather than later, they become easier to treat or manage, allowing for better long-term preservation of eyesight.In addition,...

Peripheral Vision Loss Sep 25th, 2019

Normal sight includes central vision (the field of view straight ahead) and peripheral vision (the field of view outside the circle of central vision). The inability to see within a normal range of view often indicates peripheral vision loss. In severe cases of peripheral vision loss, individuals only see with...

Laser Cataract Surgery Sep 25th, 2019

The only way to correct the clouded vision caused by advanced cataracts is surgical intervention. If you find yourself pursuing cataract surgery to remove one or both cataract-disease lenses, you may be wondering what surgical approaches are available for treatment. Although eye surgeons have successfully removed cataracts using manual surgical...

Cataract Surgery Sep 25th, 2019

Cataract Surgery     The Procedure This outpatient procedure is generally safe and takes less than an hour. Your ophthalmologist will dilate your pupil with eye drops and administer local anesthetic eye drops. You may also be prescribed a sedative to counter anxiety. Once your eye surgeon has made a...

UV Radiation and Your Eyes Sep 25th, 2019

Optometry warnings about the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation on our eyes have not yet reached the degree of public awareness of that of skin damage. Yet, the sun can be just as damaging upon our eyes with unprotected exposure. Short-term exposure to very bright sunlight can result in a...

Allergies Sep 25th, 2019

Caused by the same irritants as hay fever, runny nose, coughing, and sneezing, eye allergies commonly affect those who suffer from other allergy symptoms. Not only do eye allergies cause discomfort, but they can also interfere with daily activities. Eye Allergy Causes Medically referred to as allergic conjunctivitis, individuals who...

Pediatric Ophthlamology Sep 25th, 2019

Ophthalmology addresses the physiology, anatomy and diseases of the eyes. Pediatric ophthalmology focuses on the eyes of children. Pediatric ophthalmologists examine children’s eyes to see if they need corrective lenses or other treatments to improve their vision. Training for Pediatric Ophthalmologists Pediatric ophthalmologists graduate from medical school just like other...